
时间:2024-05-03 10:55:18 来源:钻皮出羽网


摘 要 摘 要 从汉语的新青发展历史可以看出,20 世纪初是年外汉语发生巨大变革的重要历史时期,处于 西学东渐的词研大潮流中,大量新事物的新青出现促使汉语中出现了数量众多的外来词。《新青 年》作为当时颇具影响力的年外一份时事杂志,承担着传播新思想、词研新事物的新青重要角色,是年外 当时中国引进新事物的先锋,充分呈现了众多外来词借入汉语时的词研雏形。 本文以《新青年》第 1~6 卷文本建立语料库,新青人工抽取出2441 个外来词作为研究 对象。年外第一章绪论,词研简单介绍了本文的新青研究对象、研究现状、年外研究意义和研究方法。词研第 二章将《新青年》1~6 卷的外来词按照语义进行分类,作穷尽性描写,统计各类的数量 和比重,呈现出《新青年》外来词的基本面貌。第三章分析了外来词异形的类别,形成 方式与具体面貌。第四章将外来词与《汉语大词典》相关词条进行比较,得出《汉语大 词典》收录其中的108 个外来词,在例证和义项等方面存在的疏漏,为《汉语大词典》 的补充与完善提供了具体的语言材料。 关键词 《新青年》外来词 语义类别 异形词 《汉语大词典》 I Abstract Abstract According to the history of the Chinese Language,it is one of the most important period when the Chinese Language took big changes at the early of 20th centry.In the the wave of 'West Learning',a lot of new things to promote the emergence of the Chinese appeared a large number of foreign words.As one of the influential magazine at that time,The New Youth Magazine played the important role of the dissemination of new ideas and new things.It was the pioneers of China introduced new things,fully rendering the prototypes of foreign words when they were just borrowed into Chinese. In this paper, buildding up a corpus by the New Youth text which from one to six volume is the first stap.2441 Extracted loan words was the object of this study.The first chapter of this paper describes the object,status,significance and methods.The second chapter describes the overview of the all loan words,which were classified by semanteme type and totally listed,and figures up the numbers and proportions of these types.The third chapter analyses the types,formation and the specific appearance of the variants.In the last section,compares the loan words with the The Grand Dictionary of Chinese Languages,yie